Rolling Stock Operation (RSO)
Taylor Rail Australia is accredited to carry out Rolling Stock Operations in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Queensland for Transport for NSW (TfNSW), Sydney Trains, Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC), Queensland Rail (QR) and many other rail infrastructure managers.
As an accredited operator we offer our services to organisations that need to move rolling stock in the rail corridor when completing temporary projects. Under regulator definitions this includes any hi rail vehicle.
These works often require a track certifier at the project completion to hand back the track. This is also within Taylor Rail's scope of supply and competency
A typical scope of work is based around TRA providing services including
- RSO accredited supervisors to manage movements of hi-rail vehicles
- Determine the level of RSO coverage according to proposed work plan
- Attendance at planning meetings as required
- Provision of possession officers
- Build/dismantle/provide temporary hi rail ramps
- Provide hi rail equipment on a wet hire basis
- Certify track as required
Typical projects include rail maintenance and construction projects, station upgrades, geotechnical investigation projects and survey projects, to name a few.
Taylor Rail engages suppliers of quality hi-rail equipment, with over 20 years of experience and trust, and access to the latest technology and specialist equipment.
When TRA engages third party suppliers to undertake rail operations, TRA ensures:
- Machinery compliance with RSNL and Network rules and procedures
- Rail safety workers have the competency to carry out rail safety works
- Contractor's safety performance is monitored and audited
- Machinery provided from suppliers meet the certifications, standards and specifications required for the safety of railway operation
© 2018